Privacy Policy
Who we are
At MANKIND Massage Therapy, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our service clients and visitors to our website. MANKIND Massage Therapy does not rent, sell or trade email addresses with any third party companies and businesses for marketing or other purposes.
What info does MANKIND Massage Therapy collect and how may it be used?
Prior to your first treatment with MANKIND Massage Therapy, it is important for us to understand details about yourself. This covers:
Contact details including name, address, email and contact number
General health and wellbeing including any medical conditions and or medications, which may affect or contraindicate massage treatment
Details of your previous experience of massage and bodywork, if any
This information is vital to protect your health and wellbeing, and in an emergency, your life. Information is provided with consent, and you agree that your are happy for us to store your data. ALL data is treated with the upmost confidentiality.
This information is scanned and stored securely within OneDrive. The paper copy is stored in a locked filing cabinet.
Any subsequent massage treatment will be proceeded by collecting the following infomation;
First name only
How you were following previous massage treatment
Any changes in health and wellbeing since previous massage treatment
Areas of focus for current massage treatment
Please be assured we do not share your details with any third party. Any emails will only come from and any text messages will come direct from your therapist on 07506 539 661
Access to and amending your personal information
We want to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You are, of course, entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that is held. If you wish to do any of these, please email your request to
Changes to our Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy is kept under regular review and any updates will be placed on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated 5th July 2019.